Service Business Case

Making the case for improving the Services and service you provide to your customer should be relatively straightforward.
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service business caseBuilding your case for Service

It used to be widely accepted that it cost an organisation generally 6-7 times as much to win a new client than to continue to serve an existing one. And also that loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase.

It seems rather obvious therefore that building the business case around increasing customer satisfaction and advocacy would lead to an increase in sales revenue. At the same time however, you should be able to generate a signficant reduction in the overall cost to serve, by employing workflow-based platforms that join up your service value chain.

Also, if designed well from early phase design & implementation, these platforms will also have a major benefit in the compliance objectives to many external regulations.

Each of these areas, and there are many more besides, should form the basis of a powerful business case which you can use to leverage the investment needed from within your organisation.

Don't leave your business case lacking simply because you haven't considered all the tangible and intangible benefits. Contact Us to see how we can help.

Business Case Parameters

For example, does your business case include:

  • increasing revenue due to higher customer loyalty
  • increasing revenue on the basis of new services the customer wants to buy
  • reducing costs around the processes involved in serving your customer
  • reducing costs in meeting your regulatory compliance objectives faster

All these would be good examples of parameters to use when building your Service Business Case.

Increasing Revenue Reducing Costs

Did you know?

We are independent consultants and advisors.
With over 30 years experience in the world of strategic Customer Service, Field Service, Technology Service, Operations Management and Service Integration, we help customers design a robust, comprehensive and innovative Service Strategy to spearhead their business growth in the new AI-enabled world of 'Digital' Service.

What project are you working on?

Have a look below. Do any of the questions apply to you?

Building the case for your Service Transformation plan?

Exploring how AI can offer tangible benefits in Service?

Needing to free up investment from elsewhere?

Making the case for a new ITSM or ESM (Enterprise) platform?

We help accelerate your time to service value